Training & Events

Our training is highly flexible, cost-effective and can be tailored to suit the precise needs of your organisation. Covering a range of specialist Housing Benefit topics, including Universal Credit, Council Tax and Welfare, you can upskill your teams and deliver a better customer experience.

Training & Events

Our training is highly flexible, cost-effective and can be tailored to suit the precise needs of your organisation. Covering a range of specialist Housing Benefit topics, including Universal Credit, Council Tax and Welfare, you can upskill your teams and deliver a better customer experience.

High-quality training courses

Written and presented by Richard Stanier, a well-known and experienced trainer with 35 years of experience in benefits, our courses are well regarded for their detailed content and the clarity of their delivery. Courses can include your own Council Tax Reduction Scheme rules, and we also offer ongoing technical advice for email queries at no additional cost.

Training courses

Close your skill gaps

We offer training on all the major areas of Housing Benefit, Council Tax Reduction and Council Tax. We have a library of “off the shelf” legislative courses and a willingness to adapt our courses to meet your specific requirements, to focus on very specific aspects of legislation. In addition our years of experience in the Revenues and Benefits field allows us to provide on the job system training and mentoring to enable the theory to be consolidated. Our courses start from £695+vat per day.

Assessment of earned income in HB

This course concentrates on the definition of earnings and, in particular, the correct assessment of average earned income and the date that changes should be applied to an award. It also covers the correct assessment of earned income from self-employment and the tricky issue of when these changes are applied.


Exempt accommodation and specialist tenancies

Some residents of specialised accommodation are still reliant on HB for their rent. This training covers the rules around non-standard tenancies to enable delegates to identify and calculate the correct classification, eligible rent and subsidy for such cases.


Universal credit for local authorities

This course explains the main features and administration of UC, including calculation and payment, with a specific focus on the relationship and interaction between UC and benefits delivered by the LA. It covers the definitions of temporary, exempt and specified accommodation, clearly explains the mixed-age couple rules and the assessment of UC in HB and the CTRS.


Introduction to HB, CTRS and UC

This is a five-day course that takes new starters right through the HB/CTRS scheme from the application process, occupancy, liability, means test, eligible rents, calculations, effective dates, discretionary housing payments and overpayments. Also included are overviews of other welfare benefits and UC. Trainees finish the course with a good grounding in the role of the LA in welfare provision and a thorough understanding of the principles of the benefits systems.


Introduction to Council Tax

This one day course is ideal for newly employed Council Tax Officers, Customer Service Officers and Benefits Officers who might need an entry level knowledge of the subject or are moving to a generic working model.


Other courses

• Housing Benefit subsidy in detail
• The calculation and recovery of HB overpayments
• Persons from Abroad
• Effective dates in HB and CTRS
• Self-employed claims in HB (including the calculation of notional tax and national insurance)
• The assessment of student claims in HB

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