Focus On

Fraud Awareness

Fraud is now the most commonly experienced crime in the UK and costs the UK many billions of pounds every year.

Source: National Crime Agency 2022

How much is fraud costing your organisation every year?

Meritec has an unrivalled track record of designing and delivering cost effective digital learning solutions to the public and private sectors. Focus on Fraud Awareness enables organisations to reduce losses from fraud, improve their use of resources and protect against a damaged reputation. Meritec has developed separate versions of the product to meet the specific needs of local authorities, schools and colleges, housing associations and the private sector.

Focus on Fraud Awareness

The latest version of the Meritec Digital Learning course contains up-to-date information on how fraud (in all its guises) can negatively impact on an organisation’s performance, finances and reputation. The course delivers a broad and consistent level of understanding of fraud in just 45 minutes.

Fraud Awareness

Increasing awareness increases your protection

The course, which was developed in conjunction with local councils, has been subsequently successfully rolled out to all staff within a number of different local authorities, as well as across catchment schools within some areas. Several industry-specific versions of the course have been created including a version specifically for the Social Housing sector.


• Reduce the losses from fraud: timely fraud referrals can save organisations £000s in financial losses and minimise the costs of a damaged reputation.

• Minimise training costs: eLearning facilities enable timely delivery of quality learning to large numbers of individuals.

• Improve the use of resources: staff fulfil their training needs at a pace that suits them, allowing specialist counter fraud staff to focus on fraud detection and investigations.


Who we help

Meritec’s proven Focus on Fraud Awareness product is successfully delivering quality learning to 100,000s of employees in the UK public and private sectors. Separate Editions of the product are available to meet the specific needs of local authorities, housing associations, schools, academies and colleges, and private sector organisations.


Local Authorities Edition

Delivering broad and consistent awareness on fraud and corruption for all staff, including information on how to spot such crimes and how staff should respond if they suspect it.

Download More Info Flyer (PDF)


Schools Edition

Cost effective awareness for staff on specific types of fraud and corruption that impact on schools, academies and colleges.

Download More Info Flyer (PDF)


Housing Edition

We have developed a Focus on Fraud Awareness course specifically for Housing Associations targeting awareness around acts of Tenancy Fraud and Corporate Fraud too.

Download More Info Flyer (PDF)


Private Sector Edition

Effective awareness training for staff in SMEs and larger organisations to enable reductions in losses from fraud and corruption.

Our Customers

Want to hear more about how we can help your organisation reduce fraud?

Take the first step and arrange an initial chat or demo to explore how Meritec’s Focus On… Fraud Awareness can help to make all your employees aware of how to spot fraudulent activity.