Meritec has donated £5000 to Airedale Hospital in Keighley to help kit out their wellbeing rooms with a lorry full of goods, including televisions and microwaves.

Recognising the Difficulties

Recognising the difficulties that the NHS is under during the on-going COVID19 pandemic, Meritec contacted the hospital to see what they needed and staff at Airedale mentioned they had wellbeing rooms where they can go to recharge and take a break. This seemed like an ideal opportunity for Meritec, a local company to the hospital, to give something back and show their appreciation for all the hard work the NHS staff are putting in during these unprecedented times.

Wellbeing Facilities

The wellbeing rooms are available 24/7 and are also stocked with items that have been donated by the community including, mugs, drinks, snacks and handcream.  Now, thanks to Meritec, the rooms and other staff areas will have the addition of the fridges, microwaves and kettles to make it even more convenient for staff.  Meritec provided 15 fridges, 15 microwaves and 15 kettles for the rooms and other areas where needed.  They also donated five 49 inch TV’s which will be used in patient areas such as the discharge lounge.

“This is such a generous donation and one that will really help so many staff, so they can warm up a meal or make a hot drink, while they take a break.  We have been absolutely overwhelmed by how generous people are being in our local community, our phone doesn’t stop ringing with offers of help.  It’s amazing!”

Jodie Hearnshaw, Fundraising Manager at Airedale NHS Foundation Trust