
Every growing business encounters the issue of an ever-increasing number of individual systems that have evolved over time. They create a hodgepodge of spreadsheets, manually based systems, and various tools, all working towards the same goal but not in harmony. It’s common knowledge that such systems lead to reduced efficiency, increased costs and can make your day-to-day tasks unmanageable. So, how do you implement a new automated system and get everyone on board?

Switching to a new IT system can be daunting. It’s like trying to renovate your house while still living in it. You’re never quite sure if you’ve moved everything where it needs to be or forgotten a crucial piece of the puzzle. However, with a bit of planning and foresight, the transition from paper-based, manual systems to a unified digital ecosystem can be smooth and painless. 


Before implementing a new IT system, you must assess the current situation. And be honest. Evaluate all of your systems that have evolved over time. Identify what’s working, what’s not, and what could be better. Then you can think about putting a solid plan in place. This includes defining the scope of the project, budget, timeline, and resources required. A company like Automate will create this initial plan for you, incorporating all the elements they know will be needed from experience.

Transparency and Honesty

To ensure a smooth implementation, be transparent and honest with your employees and stakeholders about the reasons for the change, the expected benefits, and the potential challenges. If employees are kept in the dark, they may feel like they are being left behind or that change is being forced upon them. Be crystal clear about why this change is vital to the business and the benefits everyone stands to gain as a result of the changes. Encourage an open dialogue and address any concerns or issues during the implementation process. Being upfront and transparent will help build trust and confidence among your team.

Identifying Key Stakeholders

Identifying the key stakeholders is an essential step in the implementation process. These stakeholders can include executive leadership, department heads, end-users, and IT staff. It’s vital to involve them in decision-making and keep them informed and engaged throughout the implementation. They are the employees and decision-makers who will be most affected by the new system and, therefore, have the most valuable insight to offer. Make sure to involve them in the planning stages to ensure buy-in from the outset.


Effective communication is crucial when implementing any new system. A clear communication plan keeps everyone updated on the project timeline and progress. It should explain the purpose of the new system, what to expect during the transition, and who to contact if there are any issues. Keep your employees in the loop with workshops, presentations and demos. The more they know, the less likely they will feel anxious about the change. You may find it useful to create project teams and communicate the changes in smaller groups so they don’t feel outnumbered.


The success of a new system hinges on properly training end-users. Provide comprehensive training sessions that cater to different learning styles across your organisation. Use a combination of in-person, online, and on-the-job training to ensure employees are fully equipped to use the new system. Consider creating user manuals, FAQs, and video tutorials to allow employees to brush up on their skills as required.

A helpful tip is to identify the influencers in your organisation and train them to be change agents who can help their peers migrate to the new system. Peer-led workshops are a great way to boost employees’ confidence, overcome challenges they might face, and identify new ways to use the new system.

Overcoming Resistance

Change can be challenging, and there may be resistance from employees. Resistors can significantly hinder the adoption of a new system. One solution is to have a focused conversation with them, sharing the new system’s benefits over the old and providing them with the help they need. The guardians of the old system may be anxious about losing their jobs if they aren’t required to run the system. So it’s crucial to explain how their skills can be better used in the business and that their jobs are not in jeopardy.

In some cases, resistant employees might simply need to spend some extra time with the new system. And, quite often, they will become advocates of this better way of working.

Monitoring Progress and Gaining Feedback

Make time to monitor progress regularly and review what is working and what is not. Set up a feedback mechanism allowing users to report bugs or issues. Leverage analytics to capture data and insights on usage trends and performance metrics. Respond to feedback and suggestions and continue making changes until the system works as intended. The more feedback you receive, the more you can adapt and improve the system.

Celebrate Success

Finally, celebrate your successes! Making significant changes to a company’s ingrained systems is no mean feat. So recognise the hard work of those who helped make the transition a success and showcase the benefits of the new system. Celebrating success will motivate your team and create excitement for future changes.

In Short

We hope our ultimate guide has provided you with valuable insights and best practices to help you achieve a successful implementation. At Automate, we are dedicated to empowering organisations to streamline their business processes and maximise efficiency through our business process automation solutions. Connect with us to learn more!