Business growth means extra costs, right? After all, you can’t process additional orders if you haven’t got the staff to fulfil them. You can’t take on extra clients if you haven’t got people to manage their needs. So you need to grow your team.
And that means high recruitment and training costs, additional employee salaries, pension contributions and benefits, more office space, more equipment, and more risk. You can’t wait until the growth has happened before making the investment, but what if your growth plans don’t work out? You’re left with all of the cost and none of the return.
Well, what if we told you it’s possible to grow your business without all those extra costs?
What if you could unlock capacity within your existing team rather than recruiting additional employees?
You might not believe us, but it is possible. You can grow your business without the high recruitment costs. And you can do it through Digital Transformation and automation.
Automating your repeatable multi-step processes will free up time for your employees to concentrate on higher-value activities.
Minimise time spent on non-value-adding tasks
How much time do your managers spend writing and replying to non-value-adding emails? Emails to delegate tasks. Emails chasing progress reports and updates. Emails requesting information.
How many times are employees having to chase or resend emails because the originals got overlooked or accidentally deleted? Emails with purchase order requests. Emails asking for sign-off or authorisation. Emails requesting holiday leave.
All these emails could be eliminated with simple process automation. And that could free up as much as 25% of a manager’s time – time they could spend on value-adding tasks.
And it’s not just emails, delegation and reporting that can be automated. You can automate marketing emails, payment processing, procurement, client onboarding – in fact, almost any process with repeatable steps can be automated to save time.
Streamline your processes
Automation is a great way of streamlining your processes for maximum efficiency. Cut unnecessary steps, minimise errors, reduce duplication of tasks, and simplify processes for your employees and your clients.
Create client portals allowing customers to self-serve rather than tie your teams up with non-urgent enquiries. Make it simple for customers to place repeat orders without having to complete lengthy order forms every time.
Digitise forms and allow data to be extracted and uploaded to the relevant databases without manual input. Make life easier for your customers and your employees.
Automate internal processes so tasks get delegated, reminders are sent when deadlines are missed, and non-compliance gets automatically escalated.
Unlock additional and underutilised capacity
Almost every business underestimates the amount of time they could free up through simple automation.
A task might only take five minutes, but if your senior managers have to repeat that task multiple times a day, those five minutes soon add up to hours. That’s hours spent each week on non-value-adding tasks that could be automated.
You hire people for their specific skills, but if these non-value-adding tasks take up 25% of their time, you’re not making best use of those skills.
You might think your teams are working to full capacity, but if you’re not automating and digitising processes, chances are you can unlock far more than you think.
If you could free up five hours per employee per week, how much would that be worth to your business?
Allocate existing resources to higher-value tasks
Once you’ve freed up time and unlocked capacity, you can allocate the extra resources to higher-value tasks.
Less time spent on paperwork, data input and admin tasks and more time spent on business development. More time for sales calls. Or planning and forecasting. Or strategy and continuous improvement. Or supporting customers. Or managing performance. Or upskilling your teams.
More time for your employees to do the jobs you hired them to do.
And when your employees are doing work they enjoy – work that utilises their skillset – they are more likely to be engaged. Higher employee engagement means lower absenteeism, higher staff retention and increased productivity. All of which will help you grow your business faster.
Improve customer experience
We live in a fast-paced world where customers expect efficiency. They don’t want to get bogged down with lengthy forms, long wait times, and slow processes. They don’t want to wait weeks for answers to simple enquiries. There is only so far their patience will stretch before they get frustrated and seek out one of your competitors.
If you want to grow your business, you need to keep your existing customers happy, so they keep coming back and recommending you to others.
By streamlining your processes and enabling customers to self-serve, you make it more convenient for people to do business with you, making them more likely to stick with you.
Grow your business with :Automate
The amount of capacity being wasted in organisations is staggering. We help you unlock that capacity so you can grow your business without investing in high recruitment costs.
:Automate makes automation easy through bespoke solutions that integrate with your existing systems and streamline your workflows.
Our packages have been designed to make process automation accessible, affordable and straightforward for SMEs.
Rather than trying to automate your entire business in one go, we break it down into simple, manageable projects with a scalable pay-as-you-grow system. We help you determine which of your processes can be automated and create the workflows to do this.
Our mission is to create measurable value by reducing your operational costs, improving productivity and enhancing customer and user experiences.
Every workflow is custom-built, so you aren’t paying for off-the-shelf software features you’ll never use. And, unlike other software solutions, our packages aren’t priced per user, making us a cost-effective option for businesses who want flexibility and scalability.
Why :Automate?
• Free no obligation discovery meeting to explore opportunities
• Every process flow is custom-built for your organisation
• Flexible pay as you grow options to automate at your own pace
If you’re ready to grow your business, book a free discovery call to find out how much capacity we could free up in your business.